Saturday 22 March 2008

Amgueddfa Cymru — National Museum Wales marketing ouput

We (Hoffi) have been working on this for quite a while now, and I am really glad we can finally announce that we have managed to get the contract for all of the National Museum Wales' marketing collateral for 2008 and 2009. Hoffi will be responsible for all output apart from the National Waterfront Museum and the overall What's on guide. We are delighted to have been awarded the work, and hope that over the next few months everyone will be able to see what we have been up to. The pitch was very complex and difficult with us being up against 5 other very strong design agencies. It has been a really good start to the year for Hoffi in general with new work being launched all the time. Currently we have one more piece to produce for Academi's Book of the Year awards and we are also already in the planning stages for the Cardiff Design Festival 2008. 

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